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  1. paul
    August 7, 2019 @ 8:04 am

    Hi Amira,

    I’m experiencing more or less the same issue.
    I migrating from one pair of node to another and my cluster management lif soon it is migrate return the same screenshot as yours.
    If I move back all is ok. If I’m creating a new lif to this new pair of nodes, it doesn’t works.
    If I disable http services I have an other message (not accessible 404)
    So it is related to the new nodes

    If I’m looking at the certificates, nothing is strange:
    ::> ssl show
    (security ssl show)
    Serial Server Client
    Vserver Number Common Name Enabled Enabled
    ——— —— ————————————— ——- ——-
    cluster true true
    Certificate Authority: cluster

    ::> sec certificate show -serial 123A456ED7890
    (security certificate show)
    Vserver Serial Number Certificate Name Type
    ———- ————— ————————————– ————
    cluster 123A456ED7890 cluster_123A456ED7890 server
    Certificate Authority: cluster
    Expiration Date: Wed Aug 28 14:42:37 2024

    Do I still have to renew my certificate or you have another idea?


  2. Paul
    August 9, 2019 @ 10:00 am

    So I did a delete / renew of my current certificate, all goes well now.


  3. Giles Ogram
    January 7, 2020 @ 3:40 am

    Quick question, when I try the command to delete my certificate for both the cluster and SVM, I get an error: Either specify all keys, or set at least to “*”.
    I am using the -serial switch to ensure I am deleting the correct certifiacte.


    • Amira Armond Amira Armond
      January 7, 2020 @ 5:47 am

      That message means you haven’t identified the certificate enough. Maybe there are two certs with the same serial? Seems unlikely but that is the thinking. Add more specifics about the cert (keep pressing tab on the command and see what netapp wants to add)


    • Sergo
      May 18, 2021 @ 6:08 am

      pressing tab or write -ca


  4. Michael
    June 8, 2020 @ 11:39 am

    thank you for the instructions. I’m new to NetApp and appreciate the guidance.


  5. zaki
    January 21, 2021 @ 8:07 pm

    I have deleted few expired certificates and needed to create one again. These are of type server-ca, when tried to recreate it, it says “Command Failed: Cannot use certificate of type “Server-ca” for this operation.

    Checked with Lenovo / Netapp support and they asked to upgrade OS and BMC version. This is what we are running now.

    Lenovo Release 9.6P2: Fri Jul 19 02:10:57 EDT 2019
    System ID: 0538123081 (XXXXXXXXXXXXX); partner ID: 0538123082 (XXXXXXXXXXXXX)
    System Serial Number: 941936000292 (XXXXXXXXXXXXX)

    Service Processor Status: Online
    Firmware Version: 11.3P2

    I tried to follow the above article , but clicking the hyperlink in the above article takes back to the same article.

    Please help how can I create certificate of type server-ca


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